Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday=More snow

Well, it is Sunday and it is snowing. That seems like a theme in Iowa, but I guess it is winter. At church this morning someone mentioned that today is 50 degrees warmer than it was on Friday! We are still only in the 20s thoough!

So, Gramma Kathy checked the video and said that it worked, so I will try to upload a video of our basement too. It seemed to work well for her, so maybe I will be taking a lot of videos of Wally and posting them here. Those will likely be more fun than the ones of our house.

Well, I best get to checking out football on TV to make sure I am up on who is still in the playoffs... But first, a quick Wally story...

We have been teaching Wally how to pray. He folds his hands and says, "Thank you God." Sometimes we even get an "Amen" out of him. This morning at church we were praying and I was trying to get Wally to fold his hands to pray, mostly to keep him from squirming. Suddenly, he understood what was going on and said in a not-so-quite voice, "Daddy pray!" There were a few giggles from the people around us. What a joy he is to us and to the people around us!

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