Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your Hair Looks Kinda Silly...

...You look kinda like a boy. Man, Wally is going to make some girl very happy some day saying things like that.

Yesterday, Wally and I decided my hair was long enough that someone else could have it. He was very excited to go to a REAL barber shop (aka Cost Cutters). Now I have really BIG hair.
Well, at least it won't give me a headache wadded up on the back of my head now AND we will save money on shampoo.

Monday, June 27, 2011

SD/MT Road Trip Part II: Kourtney's Wedding Reception

After the parade, we headed to the Senior Drop-in Center for Kourtney and Wayne's wedding reception. Wally put himself to work with the ribbon to decorate the candles for the tables. Wally's creations were definitely creative with tape, staples, and dog hair. Me and my sisters Linda and Mary.

Wally is always drawn to his cousin Gavin. Eric, Sara, Gavin, Autumn, and Kailin (bummer no Chandler or Keegan) drove down from Billings. It was great to see all of them.

Isn't Papa Steve a cutie?!?!!

Wayne and Kourtney did the traditional smashing of the cake into each other's faces. It was a fun party!

Me and my buddy.

Am I really putting this one in the blog???

The first dance.

Joel played the proud big brother very well. When Joel was in high school, he would pick Kourtney up for school. On the way, they would listen to Bob Marley's "No woman No cry," but Joel would sing "No Kourtney No cry." For the longest time Kourtney thought that those were the actual words. For their wedding, Joel gave Kourtney and Wayne a Bob Marley CD with that song, so Joel and Kourtney got to dance to their song. This was my personal favorite moment of the wedding.

Wally doesn't know if he should believe Papa or not.

Joel and I with Kourtney and our new brother-on-law Wayne.

The proud parents of the bride.

The Graff family.

The whole Graff family (minus Chandler, Keegan, Ryan, Amy, Jenna, and Molly). Wally was a couple days over-due for a nap at this point.

The lovely Graff Ladies.

A tired boy after a fun party. We got Wally dressed in PJs and headed to Bozeman after the wedding. I think he managed to sleep for about 2 hours before we woke him for dinner around 8:00. The kid is a great traveller.

Moving Up in the World...or Not

Yesterday we moved up in the world. For the first time in our married lives, Joel and I have a headboard for our bed. We picked it up on a street corner under a sign that said "free." So, it is perfect!However, at the same time, we became the proud owners of a big plastic pumpkin/ghost! Wally is thrilled though, so maybe it makes it worth having to look at the thing and store the thing...

SD/MT Road Trip Part I

OK, so this was over a month ago now, but I finally found time. So, here goes the road trip to beat all road trips (over 2600 miles in 1 week).

As a last thought as we were heading out the door, I saw some pipe cleaners and grabbed them for Wally. He spent a lot of time in the car playing with them. Cheap "toys" seem the best for Wally's entertainment. Since we were heading to Bozeman for Ruby's birthday, Wally spent time in the car (and then at Grandma Mary and Papa Randy's house) working on a birthday banner for Ruby. He engineered quite a hanger for it with pipe cleaners.

The theme of our trip was rain. It started raining as we got about halfway through SD, and I don't think it stopped until we returned to Iowa. More rain pictures to come...

On our second day, Wally fed Papa's cows treats in the rain.

Bill (the actual owner of the cows) came over and let Wally help feed a calf who's momma didn't have enough milk for it. Wally thought that was awful special as he loves animals.

Grandma Mary made me a table runner as she is becoming quite the quilter. My Grandma, I'm sure, is proud of her. Wally suddenly decided he could use the table runner as a prop for singing "Swing low, Sweet chariot."

We drove up to Broadus for lunch, and then headed to the bank. Wally loves visiting Gramma Kathy's bank. This trip, he brought all of his money from his piggy banks to put in Gramma's bank. Here, he is watching it all get sorted in the coin sorter. He seemed satisfied that he gave the bank all of his money and they gave him a lollipop.

We had Great-Gramma over for dinner and Wally enjoyed showing her his Daddy's ipod. Every trip, Wally seems to find a way to get Great-Gramma to himself and do an activity with her. They both seem to truly enjoy their time together.

On day 3, we drove to Miles City for Kourtney and Wayne's wedding reception. On the drive up, we saw an amazing amount of water in places were Joel can't remember ever seeing water before. Apparently, while we were in Montana, they got about 6.5 inches of rain. Mind you, they usually only get about 10 inches each year.

But, the Bucking Horse Sale parade went on. Lucky for me (I didn't have a hat, hood, or anything waterproof), we didn't make it to the parade until it was nearly over. Wally got to see some steam-engine tractors, hug a person in a dog suit, and pick up soggy candy floating down the gutters, so he was happy.

I love watching Wally when he is excited!

Coming "soon" SD/MT Road Trip Part II.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You know it is a good summer when...

you look like this everyday! We've been having a great summer and have been crazy busy. I am slowly making my way through our pictures of our SD/MT trip and our CO trip. If I ever have a break from editing and don't feel like being outside (or cleaning bathrooms), I will get some posts about them up.