Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Burgers and Vacuums!

Last night it was a lovely 17 degrees outside, so I was able to talk Joel into grilling hamburgers. We decided to make Wally a little burger assuming that he wouldn't eat it, as he has a history of not liking burger in anyform. Well, our boy is growing up!

As much as he seemed to enjoy the hamburger, we still had to keep telling him to stop eating little trees (broccoli) and do some burger bites! That kid!

Well, I was going to add a picture of Wally vacuuming. He really REALLY likes to vacuum. However, I am having issues with this blog and can't get it to let me rearrange the pictures or anything and what is with the first bit of text being a hyper link?. Therefore, I quit! (For today, that is...did I mention that Wally decided 4:45 was an appropriate time to wake up this morning?)

1 comment:

  1. i feel your pain, i was having some serious formatting issues when i was trying to blog today! i ended up erasing all my pics and having to upload them all again, then i couldn't get the font to be the correct size....geez! and i thought this was supposed to be easy!!

    those hambugers look delish!
