Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Halloween at Kinderfarm

OK, so I was the typical over-proud mom who videoed and snapped pictures of the whole performance at Kinderfarm during their Halloween parties. Yes, parties. Since Wally goes to school all day, there was a party in the morning and a party in the afternoon, and I went to both. In the morning, it was too cold to go outside, so the kids had a parade inside. Then they all sang songs for us.
I think they were being witches here.
Wally's favorite song about bats...

In the afternoon, the weather was warm enough that the parade was outside. The singing was still inside. I picked Joel up from the airport earlier that morning as he was returning from Brazil. Wally was so surprised and happy to see Daddy (I saved that as a surprise). Wally didn't sing or dance nearly as much in the afternoon because he was so excited that Daddy was home!
Like we always do, we had to say good bye to all of the animals before we could head home. Wally's favorite animal is still Pearl the Pig.
The chickens and turkeys are fun too.
Once at home, Daddy gave Wally a few gifts from Brazil, including some Brazilian money.
Moose was so excited that he had to chase sparkles. I'm not sure if we've ever gotten his sparkle love on tape before.

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