Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Halloween and other fall randomness...

Fall in Iowa is great because the weather is usually beautiful and there are a ton of leaves to play in. One happy boy.
My pepper plants were strange this year, likely due to the gobs and gobs of rain we got. The plants were tall and thick and beautiful, except they didn't produce peppers until October! But when they finally decided to produce, they went crazy! I tried to get pictures to show how many pepper there were, but none of them did the plants justice. I ended up picking most of the banana peppers early and canning them. Joel says they turned out pretty well.
With beautiful sunshine, the porch warms up nicely, even if it is cool outside. We love to read books on the swing.
Finally, Halloween is here! (OK, so it was like 2 months ago, but I'm getting caught up!)
Like last year, we went trick-or-treating with Sander and Levi.
They were all a little excited. I thought it was cute how they were all animals.
Wally and Levi think each other are pretty cool!
As a late Halloween dinner, I made dinner in a pumpkin...hamburger, rice, apples. It was really rather bland, but how often do you get to eat out of a pumpkin?
Our friends, Hans, Diana and daughter Oakley from Montana stopped by. They happened to be in Nebraska selling cows, so they thought they would swing by. I hadn't met Oakley before and it was great to get caught up with my buddy.
Diana and I will always share a special bond though our kids.
What is better than olive pizza? Broccoli pizza, of course!
Ah, the return of the fall beard. I think he is pretty cute. Don't you?

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