Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Boat, His Pokey Dot

Joel got me a canoe for my 30th birthday. It is wonderful. We took it out on Saturday to Lake MacBride and had a great time. We forgot to take a picture of us on the water though. Wally did a good job sitting still (for an almost 3 year old). Joel had to do some quick balancing at times when Wally decided to wash both hands in the water (or his feet). We got Wally his own short paddle. He thinks that is great. He had such a great time that he cried all 20 miles back home. I guess we left him wanting more. I'm sure he is going to have great memories of the canoe like I have from growing up.

Random pictures to follow... Here Wally is at school painting. He has so much fun with his friends.Wally loves Daisy. He tells me this several times each day. He loves Moose (just not as often since Moose gives kisses and doesn't like to snuggle). I'm loving Moose and Daisy more now that we have kennels for them for while we are more dog proofing! They are just getting calmer, etc with old age. I had 3 2-3 year old boys here today, and the dogs weren't a pain at all. Wally got a lame board game in a Happy Meal. I got it out the other day because it has rockets on it and he is obsessed with space ships right now. Turns out, he loves playing "Mine board game." He actually does quite well with rolling the dice, moving his pieces, and picking his "star cards." He does have a hard time letting me go first or if he doesn't win. I guess that is to be expected at this age though.

Saturday night we drove south and met our friends Stacy, Van, and Sander, who were camping, for dinner. We brought the campcookers and had a great time. The boys love each other so much. It is so cute. During July, our vacations were such that they went over 3 weeks without seeing each other. Wally (and Sander from what we hear) had emotional breakdowns because "Me love Sander," "Me miss Sander," "Where Sander?" and "Sander house." Luckily, they are back together. The picture below is of the boys at the camp site (not like camping in Montana, but quite ideal for little boys). Wally has a freckle on his hip that he is very proud of. Very few baths go by where he doesn't show me. The amazing thing is that it is still cool since he discovered it sometime during the winter. I got a picture tonight of him randomly showing us during dinner.

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