Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day weekend. It started out with a trip to the dump. We borrowed a friend's pickup and took a load of big junk that we've been wanting to get rid of for a long time. Then, we loaded up the pickup with compost. The landfill makes compost from all of the yard waste they pick up. The compost is black and wonderful and cheap! We used the compost mostly to fill in random holes in the yard, raise parts of the flowerbed in front, and to put a layer on top of the area in the back around the patio that was originally bark. Only a little bit of compost made it into the garden. You can see my raised beds in the garden below. There is only a little compost on the bed on the right. I can't wait for my garden this year.
After church on Sunday, Wally took a nap and I planted grass seed and put some seeds in the garden. After the nap, we picked up some KFC and headed to "the farm." We met Dr. Donelson on the way in, which is always nice. Once they headed out, we had the whole pond to ourselves again. The dogs had a great time. Wally was so excited to throw sticks into the pond for Moose to get. Here, Wally was getting a "stick" for Moose.

Daisy won't swim. Looking at her, it seems like she would, but she won't go in deeper than she can touch. Being the wonderful person I am, I decided that when she came out onto the dock with me, I would push her in. Strong little mutt managed to get away from me before I got her in. Maybe next time...

Moose, loves the water and knows he's safe from Daisy there. Can you see all the gray around his muzzle? Old dog.

There is a canoe at the pond, so we paddled around. Moose did some swimming after us and Daisy ran along the shore. All was great, until we saw another dog! Ah! We paddled to the shore and I jumped out and grabbed the dogs. Luckily, the dog went away before any of the dogs saw each other.

It is hard to see, but Moose is following Wally and I. Moose didn't move much the next 2 days.

Who's kid is that?

Daddy and his little girl.

Again, who's kid is that?

Wally was so excited to find palm trees!

Joel brought some glass jars from home to fill with pond water so that Wally could see all the little things swimming in it.

All my boys like to learn. Well, maybe Moose was just looking for sparkles.

Wally had to get the good stuff.

We had to let the stuff settle before we could see the creepy crawlies. Waiting without bumping was hard to do, especially when Wally saw something and got excited.

A Mother's Day picnic with KFC. Can't get much better than that!

Since it was Mother's Day, I spent some time taking pictures of flowers.

And Wally spent some time in the mud.

Wally loves dandelions and loves picking them for everyone, so how could I not take a picture of one? They are actually rather pretty.

Quite the photogenic dog.
Wally and Joel went canoeing and saw 9 turtles sunning themselves on a log. When they got close, Joel said they would all disappear, but Wally said they would stay. All but one jumped in. Wally said, "told you Dad!" I guess he was right.
More flowers!
Wally loved seeing Papa Steve's cows and still talks about them a lot. So, we had to take a picture of some of them on the way out of the farm.
The weather was beautiful and I got to be outside almost the entire weekend. Life can't get much better than that! Thanks for a great Mother's Day Daddy and Wally. I love you both!

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