Friday, March 27, 2009

Mickey Mouse

Wally still loves Mickey Mouse. He loves to watch the Mickey Mouse Club House tv show. We enjoy watching him watch it. He sings the songs, answers the questions, copies what the characters are doing, etc. I thought that the PBS shows would be better for Wally to watch, but I've decided that the Disney channel cartoons are actually much better, in general. They really engage the kids. Wally all of a sudden could count to 20. We think he must have learned that from Mickey Mouse. Yesterday, Wally and I were listening to some classical music and playing the air piano and air violin. I think he must have learned some of that from Little Einsteins.

Gramma Kathy sent Wally Joel's old Mickey Mouse doll. Wally thinks that is pretty cool! Recently, Great Aunt Tammy sent Wally a Mickey Mouse bank. He has put so much money in that thing (too bad it is the same money each time - we'ld be rich if it wasn't!). He is into grouping things these days. Here he put his Mickey Mouses together and was "posing" with them.

Tonight is Family Fun night at the mall. Wally is excited to ride the "roundy roundy." Joel is excited to catch part of a Hawkeye baseball game before hand. It is in the low 40s or even the 30s...Wally and I aren't going to the game. I figure there will be many more warmer games to catch. I'm missing the warm weather. It is supposed to snow tomorrow! I guess it is maybe time for us to get our share of snow.

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