Monday, February 2, 2009

The Good People of Iowa

When Joel and I decided we were moving to Iowa, and would tell people this, those who spent any time in Iowa would always respond the same, "The people in Iowa are great!" We figured that is what you say about a place if there are no amazing mountains. This might be true, but in the case of Iowa, the people really are great! The most recent case in point occurred this past Friday night. It was Free Family Fun night at the mall (free carousel rides, free kids meals, free Children's museum...). Basically, mass chaos. We went with our friends Stacy and Sander and had already ridden the "roundy roundy" (aka carousel), eaten our free meals and were waiting in line for the Children's museum. No purse! In the craziness of rounding up 2-2 year olds, clearing our trash and migrating to the museum, I left my purse! I rushed back to our table. There were new people sitting there, so I interupted their chaotic meal to ask them if they had seen my purse. They hadn't, but immediately got up and started looking on the ground all around. I told them not to worry about it, but they asked me to describe it more and said they would keep a look out while they ate. I rushed to the info desk trying to make a list off all of the credit card companies I would have to call...I reached the desk, and saw it. What a relief. So, it's there, is it empty? The thought kept going through my head as I waited in line. Finally, the lady opened my wallet and saw my ID. I had it back. It was all there too. In all of that chaos, my purse could have easily become someone elses, but no, someone went out of their way to make sure that my life was that much easier and happier. I'm not saying this wouldn't happen elsewhere, but I think it is probably pretty common in Iowa.

On a different note, I was missing nature today (well, have been for quite a while). While Wally was in "school" today, I drove out to the lake. It was cold (24 degrees) and windy. I drove over to a spot that was under at least 10 feet of water last spring during the floods and sat by the river. I saw ducks in the water, a bald eagle circling above and ice fishermen near the shore. The air smelled so sweet and fresh. I then went to a little nature trail (shoveled of course because it is Iowa) dedicated to veterans of the area. It was nesseled down in a little valley that must have a small stream through it in the summer. At the far point of the trail was a bird observatory. Just a small wooden shed with small windows to peak through. On the other side of the windows, there were bird feeders. There was a box in the shed full of bird seed and an empty Folger's can with a sign asking to help keep the feeders full. I carried probably 10 cans full of food to the feeders. I wish I could have spent more time watching for the birds, but I had to get going. On the way back I saw 3 white tailed deer. It was so quite and peaceful. I need to get out there more often. Maybe I will take Wally later this week when it is to warm up.

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