Saturday, April 16, 2011

To make Montanans feel better...

Well, summer arrived in Iowa. We've had a few days in the 80s, several in the 70s, and many in the 60s. We've been enjoying being able to play outside. I have some seeds in the garden and will plant the rest in a week or two. Wally loves climbing the tree in the loop, but it still terrifies Mom.
Wally loves the Chick-fil-A cow at the mall. I missed getting a picture of Wally hugging and kissing the cow. We were at the mall last night to see Joel's cousin Drew who is in town to play baseball for Indiana against the Hawkeyes. We didn't have much time to spend with him as he had to get back to the hotel to do homework, but it was nice just the same.
Mmmm pancakes!
Well, this is what we have this morning. I guess it is better to have had summer and lost it than never to have had summer at all!

1 comment:

  1. I saw you had snow - checked out the eagles and they looked so miserable I had to turn it off.
