Wally loves building and using toys in ways they weren't meant to for. The Children's Museum is great for him. Here, Wally was building ramps on a wall for a ball to roll down.
Yes! We did it!
A mirror box is great fun. Wally is holding a rocket he made earlier.
Millions of Wallys!
Lowes has a build day on some Saturday mornings where kids are given goggles, and apron, and a kit for building something. It was supposed to be a fire truck, but apparently that kit was recalled, so he made a totally lame puppet stage. We had fun building any way.
Now, do this Daddy....
Trying to ween Wally from naps has been interesting. He still likes his naps. This was taken one napless day at about 5:15. He was quiet while we were cooking dinner. Came to find him out-cold on the couch.
Wally is so lucky to have you two as his parents. You find the neatest things to do with him that aren't expensive. Course, it helps to live in a place where they have those things for kids to do but it's wonderful that you take advantage of them. Good job!!!