Saturday, August 7, 2010

4th of July - Reder Ranch Style

On our way to Broadus, we stopped by the Reder Ranch. Wally went on a "Papa's little truck" ride with Grandma and they found 2 turtles. Grandma managed to chase one down and bring it back to the house for Wally. Pretty cute little guy! Wally thought the turtle was pretty neat until the turtle tried to push Wally's hands away as Wally held him. Wally felt terrible after dropping the little guy, but the turtle seemed unharmed. I guess shells are to protect from predators, such as 3-year-olds.

He liked the turtle...

He really liked the turtle...

He loved the turtle... (Luckily, he did not get Salmonella from the turtle).

Then Papa and Wally decided that the turtle should like in Papa's pond. Wally got very close to the edge and lowered the turtle to the water...and then threw the poor guy in! We watched him swim around, so once again, the turtle survived its toughest predator.

Ruby's b-day was in May, but we brought her present to the ranch where they met us after the Broadus festivities.

Ah, I can't wait to have a little girl!

Check out the interpretive dancing!

We made our regular trip to the Reptile Gardens. We even found turtles like Grandma and Papa's! We watched a crocodile show and then got to pet a baby one at the end.

Of course, Wally wanted to take the tape off the crocodile's mouth. Grandma didn't think that was a good idea!

At some point during our visits, Jason, Katie, Joel and I leave Grandma and Papa with the kids and go out on our own. This time we went for coffee considering it was cold (notice Joel's outfit - remember it is the beginning of July). Joel ordered himself a very girly drink.

We also made it to Storybook Island and road the train.

Still, pretty much awesome.

Wally is always the ladies' man and really liked the Little Mermaid. He is very into princesses too. He was very excited at the dentist the other day to be able to pick out a new princess toothbrush.
This is a neat wild lily I saw on the way to the hangar. I'm not sure I've ever seen one like it before. You could see right through the center of the flower.
Ah, tall grass that isn't constantly wet like in Iowa!
Climbing the rocks by the root cellar is great fun for the boys.
Pretty soon Wally will be too big to drive Papa's scoop with Papa. Maybe next time he can drive it on his own!
Towards the end of our stay the cows were moved near the house so we could feed them. I thought for sure that Wally would lose a finger or hand.
We also had a hotdog, pizza pocket, and smores roast on our last night. Jen Isaacs and gang were able to join us too.
Smores are yummy (and a little sticky)!
I swear Wally and Ruby are siblings. Would Reder ever be caught with the dog water bucket on his head?No better way to end our stay than with a rainbow.I've said it before, but Wally is the most amazing pint-sized traveller in the world. We travelled for 12 hours on the way home, and over 11 of those hours we were in the car moving. We ate lunch and dinner in the car. Never once did he complain, whine, or cry. In fact, when we got home, we got the car unloaded before I had to yell at him to get out of the car (He wasn't "done being in the car yet!"). We did score the ultimate car toy: a foam fan that was the propeller of an airplane that lights up, with a candy sucker on the bottom.Not related to the trip, but fun.
Our neighbors let us swim in their pool whenever we want. Wally has a great time with the noodles and now with an inflatable ring that goes around his waist. The kid has no fear...

1 comment:

  1. good post! i have some comments...
    #1 i'm glad wally didn't get salmonella too!
    #2 that is the coolest flower ever!
    #3 cows don't have any upper front teeth, so the chance of wally's fingers going missing, slim. now a baby calf might be able to suck them off, but not bite, hahaha!!
