Saturday, September 26, 2009

Harvest Time (aka: Why I haven't blogged)

I never realized how busy harvest time can be. I have been picking tomatoes, green beans, broccoli and more like crazy. I just can't seem to keep up. I was disappointed in my pumpkin plant. It has taken over the garden and I couldn't find any pumpkins, just a lot of flowers.
Finally, I found a pumpkin:
It was suspended in air on a vine that had climbed over our fence and into our neighbors yard. I cut off excess vines and flowers, and hauled it back over the fence onto the ground. It is now the size of a beach ball. I did find another smaller pumpkin that is about the size of a football now. Wally and I like to check them out everyday.

Believe it or not, but I already picked a bunch of tomatoes from this plant (and took them to Montana). We've been buying friends with tomatoes this season.I've been able to freeze a lot of green beans, carrots, and some broccoli. I'm excited to be able to eat "fresh" produce year round.My biggest endevour lately has been pears. Our pear tree is huge, and was completely covered with pears this year. I've picked so many pears and given a lot away. I've made pear crisp, pear cobbler, pear fruit salad, and my biggest adventure... canned pears and pear butter. My pear peelling and cutting skills are quite fine-tuned now. I filled that black bucket more than full with pears.Wally was so excited to eat the pears I canned, until they were on his plate. Then he decided he doesn't like them. Hopefully he will change his mind, because I only have a mere 24 quarts! I also have 26 jars of pear butter. It is quite yummy!
Now that I no longer have pears in pear form, I hope I will have more time for blogging. Just so I don't get in too much trouble for not blogging in a long time, and then not including any pictures of Wally, here are some pictures of Wally getting himself dressed : "I did it, all by mine self!"

1 comment:

  1. 5:23 AM? That's a sacrifice - thanks! You have been very busy - I'm impressed. Although I was starting to get worried until the end. You were almost ready to not be classified as a favorite daughter-in-law. I'm off to Sidney for an airshow today with all the bank people. Canadian equivalent of the Thunderbirds will be there. Should be fun.
