Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April Fun...

Wally is obsessed with Wild Kratts on PBS and  So, he recreates shows using Legos.  Here, Chris and Martin (blue and green guys on right) touch a moose (center) to get moose creature power suits (left).  I was impressed with his moose.
Joel won a Award of Excellence at a poster presentation through the VA. Wally was so proud of his Daddy and made him a blue ribbon to wear to the awards ceremony that evening. 
This year, Wally and I tried a new technique of dying Easter Eggs.  You put an egg in a little baggie with a couple drops of different colored dye and squish it all around.  It is supposed to result in a tie-dye rainbow effect.  This is hard to do when Wally only wanted to use his favorite colors of pink, purple, and blue.

We made Graff family eggs.

My Cubs fans.  Wally loves to be twins with Daddy and even checked out a really old Cubs book from the school library for Daddy. 

Our church had an Easter Egg hunt this year and this was the only picture I got of Wally because I was busy helping out.  What a nut!

Even though it was raining, we had to go outside and play with the flying spinner from Grandma Mary and Papa Randy.  This was (and still is) a huge hit!  Thanks! 

I love my daffodils.  I can't wait for next year when there are even more!

Wally left his Easter basket outside his bedroom door the night before Easter for the Easter Bunny.  The Easter Bunny apparently saw how much fun the spinner was, so he got Wally another.  He also gave Wally some old underwear (I'm guessing the Easter Bunny was trying to fill his basket at 1:30am in the dark and accidentally picked up some of Wally's underwear from the laundry basket).  However, Wally was very excited to wear his new underwear to church!

An Easter Egg hunt by yourself just isn't that exciting...

But you can stop whenever you want to inspect your eggs in the middle of the hunt without worrying about someone else getting your eggs.  Next year will be different, as Sitota should be some pretty good competition for Wally. 

On Easter, I even got to do something I enjoy...pruning!  I pruned the climbing tree in the loop as it was horribly ugly and neglected.  And, as an added benefit, I can now see Wally climbing the tree while I am in the house.  Our neighbor boy came out to say hi too.

Moose is a photogenic dog, even in his old age.

Just chillin' on the swing and licking a spatula from Mom's Easter dinner cooking.

Easter on the porch.  I can't wait to have real Argo and Sitota rather than just their pictures.

The day we passed our first court hearing (a very big deal!), Wally was so excited.  He had to carry his pictures of Argo and Sitota everywhere (including the bathtub).

Ah, Wally's eyebrow raise...

And Wally needed his picture taken with his brother and sister all over the house. 

To celebrate passing court, I made doro wat, injera, and honey bread...yummy!  Again, can't wait to have real kids rather than just pictures.

Wally found some clay Great Gramma Camilla gave him a few years ago and made gifts for lots of people, including the neighbor boys.  This is an egg holder he made for Daddy.

April has been a fun month, full of excitement.  Can't wait for May!


  1. !@#$%#!@$ The pictures were here...I'm trying to figure out what happened! Grrrr.....!

  2. I guess you still haven't figured out how to fix the pictures. :(
