Monday, May 30, 2011

Preschool Graduation

I know that I haven't posted on our trip to SD and MT yet, but I wanted to get these up as they won't take as long.

Our baby has graduated preschool. I can't believe it! Wally worked very hard on some cards for his teachers. He cut out hearts on the fronts and then put glitter in the inside so that the hearts were sparkly. Then he told me what to write to his teachers. He wrote their names and his name. He also picked flowers for his teachers, the administrator, and the cook.Since Wally missed his last 3 days of school for our road trip to SD and MT, he had to make his hat and tassels before he left. All the kids that are going to kindergarten next year made hats out of paper bowls and a sheet of paper. The tassels were the color of the rooms they were in. The graduation consisted of each kid being called by name, marching to the front, receiving their "diploma," shaking hands with the head teacher, smiling for Moms and Dads, and marching back to the blankets. I guess the kids had practiced this while Wally was gone. He was quite the pro though.

We were, of course, very proud! While the herds of parents, grandparents, and kids waited in line for pizza, we went to see the animals of course. Pearl the Pig is by far Wally's favorite animal. Can you sense the mutual love? Wally would always manage to find some old corncobs or dandelions to feed Pearl during and after school each and every day.

Though Pearl is the favorite, Wally loves all the animals, including Rex the pony and Rondo the horse. I guess Wally had a very rough day when Daisy the cow went "to live on a different farm with other cows." The teachers told me he cried and cried because he would miss Daisy...maybe we will see her again some day.

Wally's Purple room teacher Mrs. McGivern.
Wally's Green room teacher Mrs. Loan.

Wally had such a great time in preschool that none of us was ready for him to leave. Therefore, right after graduation, I signed him up to go a little during the summer as a "big kid," not a preschooler. I also figure it might help him out in kindergarten as he will be about the youngest kid there, but basically, we love the teachers and the animals.

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