Monday, July 27, 2009

About 1 Year Later

I have realized that we have been Iowa homeowners for over a year now. This weekend will mark Joel's arrival here 1 year ago. Time has flown. I just finished painting the trim on the front of the house. We hung shutters recently too. I decided to take compare what our house looks like now as compared to a year ago. It certainly isn't as dramatic as our house in Bozeman, but I think it looks better.

September 2008:July 2009:

Though it is hard to see in the pictures, the trees have been pruned a lot, there are more flowers, and the grass is a whole lot happier, thicker, greener and just plain nice. Wally has also grown a little over the year.

I finally got some pictures of Wally on his trike. He loves it! He has gotten really good at pedaling, steering, stopping and backing up (as he demonstrates in the video). He is also good about staying near the house and on the sidewalks with it.

Thanks Grandma and Papa!

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Jill - the house looks really nice - brightens it up a lot.
