Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Farming Iowa Style

We had a great weekend full of farming fun. First, a local bank had baby animals to pet for Ag days. Wally got to hold baby chickens. He likes to tell the story of how the baby chick pooped in his hands and he dropped the chick and the poopoo into Mommy's hands. I think he could have watched the chicks for hours. He also got to pet a yellow duckling while it swam in a tank of water. Amazingly, they even had a lamb and a calf in the basement of the bank! All in all, it was a very fun time that Wally will surely remember for some time to come.He does love animals!Though he is petting the duck here, he mostly enjoyed splashing in the totally disgusting water!
That afternoon Joel and I went to work on our garden. It was such a beautiful day that we were both wearing shorts and T-shirts. As you can see, we need to get Wally some shorts too. The garden is going to be a lot of work to put in since there is a lot of nice grass currently growing there. There are also billions of rabbits, so we need special rabbit-proof fencing.
Can you imagine all the corn, beans, pumpkins, flowers...growing! I can. Hopefully it dries out again soon so we can till up the grass and get to planting!
A man and his dog. Wally's favorite thing in the garden was to chop up the grass clods and put them back in the trenches we had just dug! He was having fun and the grass clods were broken up, so I can't complain too much!
I hope we don't get in trouble for child labor! The kid can still fit in a laundry basket...

and a space heater box!

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